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CyberLife Now

Detroit Exclusive | Elijah Kamski

Elijah Kamski has mostly had a private life away from the media both before and after CyberLife was founded. But as of today, he has personally invited KNC to do an interview with him as he is allowing the eyes of Detroit to personally see the CyberLife main facility at its finest work! Creating Androids.

 CyberLife Reveals Android |   RK800 | DPD 

The RK800 "Connor"


Today the Detroit Police Department not only now has police androids to assist crime scenes and the Department's office, but now CyberLife has released a prototype Android that can assist the DPD in investigations involving Deviants.​

The Connor model includes a physical simulation software based on the analysis of elements of the crime scene. He can thus reconstruct past events by cross-checking the evidence at his disposal.

It is also the first model to offer the analysis of biological evidence in real time, by direct sampling and ingestion of samples.

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