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What Is a Android?

Cyberlife androids are humanoid machines that feature biocomponents, synthetic organs that roughly mirror the organ systems of humans, and Thirium 310 or "blue blood" that circulates energy and information throughout the android body.

Please note that our CyberLife website store is ONLY for viewing androids. And our store is currently a work-in-progress.

If you want to buy an android, please head to your nearest CyberLife store.

Many of our Androids can help you with household chores, office assistance, babysitting, etc.​

All 5 stores in Detroit sell Androids, by Androids! While we still have human staff in the stores, find an Android with the "How Can I Help" shirt. They will be able to disperse any information you need about androids, parts, warranties, and more!

Special Promotion

Currently, we have a special deal on all AP700's!

Every purchase of an AP700 Android comes with a 48 month interest-free credit and a two-year warranty on parts and labor.



Government Exclusive

The Connor model includes a physical simulation software based on the analysis of elements of the crime scene. He can thus reconstruct past events by cross-checking the evidence at his disposal. 

It is also the first model to offer the analysis of biological evidence in real time, by direct sampling and ingestion of samples.

The RK800 is a CyberLife RK-series prototype released in August 2038. Its function is to assist law enforcement and engage in investigative work. Unlike previous police android models, it is designed to take an active part in investigations.

The RK800 has a wide range of intellectual and forensic abilities.

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